Thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, have started using CBD oil for depression and other mental health disorders (not to mention a number of other symptoms). Amid the current deluge of products, it now seems almost quaint that, back in 2012, after deciding to try treating Ben with CBD, Jacobson couldn’t actually locate the stuff. However, the test would likely need to be performed immediately after exposure to yield a positive result. Researchers have been studying CBD for years to analyze the magnitude of the painkilling and anti-inflammatory response, and are examining how CBD can block pain signals and prevent them what is CBD from traveling to the brain.

As a result, it’s possible to test positive for THC and not pass a drug test, even after you’ve stopped taking the product. Experts say evidence for the health benefits of CBD-infused products is scant and as these products are being produced with little regulation, the quality of products varies widely. CBD is derived from cannabis which is illegal in the UK, so while there may not be a CBD drug test, there is a cannabis drug test.

This hasn’t happened yet with CBD, but the authorities aren’t enforcing this rule in the UK. If they decide to, there might be a period when CBD products aren’t available while CBD is authorised as a Novel Food. Although when used on its own, CBD oil shouldn’t result in a positive test result for THC, since there is less than 0.3 percent of the compound in hemp and CBD products.